Teaching | Assisted Huake Electrical College in Teaching for 5 Consecutive Years

To comprehensively cultivate students' innovation and entrepreneurship abilities and cross-border integration abilities, the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has collaborated with multiple well-known enterprises to jointly offer a series of engineering training camps. Since 2019, the "Jingtian Robot Engineering Training Camp" has been jointly designed and implemented by the School of Electrical Engineering and Wuhan Jingtian Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. for five consecutive years, with Associate Professor Wang Shuanghong serving as the guiding teacher.


Class time: 10 days

Number of participants: 30

Student situation: From sophomore to junior

Understand C language and Python language

Not learning "Principles of Automatic Control" and "Python Programming"

During the summer vacation, 12 engineering training courses will be offered, including Jingtian Robot Engineering Training Camp. Over 360 students can choose one of these courses based on their interests, lasting for 10 days and 2 credits.

One month before the start of the class, I repeatedly confirmed and revised the plan with my advisor Professor Wang Shuanghong and teaching assistant Wu Yiying. During the period, we arranged teaching locations and communicated teaching methods. The supervisor of Jingtian Robot Enterprise visited Huake multiple times to conduct expected plan experiments, and Professor Wang also visited our company multiple times to guide our work.


Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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