The e series is a series of pioneering small collaborative robotic arms newly launched by Universal Robots. The e-series manipulator is compact and powerful. Its payload range is 3-10 kg, and its working radius ranges from 500-1300mm. All wrist joints can rotate 360 degrees, and the end joints can rotate indefinitely. This desktop collaborative robotic arm is suitable for applications requiring high precision and light assembly operations. The e-series can help anyone complete programming in a matter of minutes. Use the intuitive teach pendant to program, just move the robot arm to the desired position or select the pre-programmed function on the touch screen. The built-in force control sensor allows the e-series to be programmed in highly sensitive applications while ensuring the highest accuracy.
技术参数图 |
Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China
Hybrid Robotic
Robotic arm
move robot
Multi-legged robot
ROS modular robot
Servo and sensor accessories
Scientific Research
Professional Co Construction
Training Center
Academic Conference
Experimental instruction
Jingtian Cup Event