Conference | Notice on the Construction of New Engineering Disciplines in Robot

In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote the implementation of the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, strengthening the talent development strategy, and innovation driven development strategy, accelerate the construction and innovative development of the new engineering robot engineering major, strengthen the construction of the robot engineering professional teaching staff, solidly promote the cultivation of innovative talents in the robot engineering major, and explore the collaborative education and innovation mode of industry university research cooperation in the robot engineering major, The Information Technology New Engineering Industry University Research Alliance, in collaboration with Zhejiang University, is scheduled to hold the "Third National Forum on New Engineering Construction and Industry University Cooperation in Robot Engineering Majors in Universities" in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province from May 19 to 21, 2023.

As an annual event in the field of education and teaching in the field of robotics engineering, the National Forum on the Construction of New Engineering Disciplines and Industry University Cooperation in Robotics Engineering in Higher Education Institutions has been successfully held twice at Northeastern University and Hunan University, receiving strong support from universities, research institutes, and related enterprises. This meeting will invite representatives of 322 universities (currently 322) and robotics related research institutions and enterprises that have established robotics engineering majors nationwide to participate in the meeting, and to share and exchange ideas on talent cultivation, curriculum construction, collaborative education between schools and enterprises, industry university cooperation, laboratory construction, and other aspects of robotics engineering.

We sincerely invite leaders, professional leaders, grassroots teaching organization leaders, and backbone teachers from various universities specializing in robotics engineering, automation, intelligent science and technology, artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, and automation to participate in this conference.

1 Meeting organization unit


Information Technology New Engineering Industry University Research Alliance

Undertaking unit

School of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University

Co organizer

School of Robotics Science and Engineering, Northeastern University

School of Automation, Southeast University

College of Robotics, Hunan University

Zhejiang Automation Society


Wuhan Jingtian Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd

2 Conference Theme

1. Discussion on the construction plan of the robot engineering major;

2. Discussion on the talent cultivation mode for robot engineering majors;

3. Construction of teaching staff for robotics engineering majors;

4. Construction of a specialized laboratory for robotics engineering;

5. Course system and textbook construction for robot engineering major;

6. Exploration of the collaborative education model for the integration of industry and education in the robotics industry;

7. Discussion on robot discipline competition and mass entrepreneurship and innovation model;

8. Exchange of new achievements in the construction of robotics engineering major.

3、 Meeting time and location

Registration time

May 19, 2023 12:00-21:00

Meeting time

Full day on May 20, 2023, morning on May 21, 2023

Meeting and accommodation locations

Hangzhou Huanglong Hotel (Address: 120 Shuguang Road, Huanglong, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China)

4、 Main agenda of the meeting





Registration and registration




Plenary session


Plenary session



Sub forum communication

Construction of first-class courses and textbooks

Cultivation of practical innovation ability and laboratory construction

Exchange of collaborative education projects between industry, academia, and research


Visits, free activities

(The agenda is for reference only and will be based on the meeting venue)


Meeting participants

1. Famous experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs in the field of robotics both domestically and internationally;

2. Dean and Vice Dean of Teaching of relevant colleges in robotics engineering;

3. Responsible persons for robotics engineering and related majors, backbone teachers, and laboratory leaders;

4. Management and technical personnel of robot related enterprises;

5. Personnel from enterprises related to robot education and teaching equipment production;

6. Member of the Alliance Robot Engineering Teaching Committee.



Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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