How to choose an entry-level robot platform?

When I wanted to get started on learning robots, I searched for the word "robot" on the Internet. I was dazzled by all kinds of robots. Because I am more interested in machine vision, multi machine cooperation, automatic driving and other directions. However, all kinds of robot advertisements are so hyped that they once fell into the comparison of various indicators and prices of robots.


I bought a lot of books and went to the forum to read them. I found that learning robots must understand ROS (i.e. Robot Operating System). Of course, there are many text and video tutorials for getting started with ROS on the website. However, there are different opinions about what robot platform ROS uses. Some of them are simple platforms recommended by writers, and some of them are advertising soft articles of companies (it seems that the front is about technology, and the back is about selling the robot platform). Later, it was found that many materials on the Internet were actually translated from the Internet, but it would be more convenient to read. If you want to learn ROS, simply read the official website


Open the ROS official website, and the road turns around. The ROS homepage directly gives the officially recommended robot platform, TurtleBot 4. It turns out that the authorities have taken it all into consideration. I clicked to have a look. The official website of this robot is www. turtlebot. com, which clearly describes the relationship between turtlebot and ROS.


It turns out that TurtleBot is a robot platform developed by Open Robotics (ROS design team), which is also the official standard platform of ROS. The turtle here comes from the tortoise robot developed in 1967. The tortoise icon has also become the symbol of ROS. Not only that, the 9 points used in the ROS marking also come from the tortoise shell.


In order to popularize ROS, TurtleBot is developed based on the Roombar based research robot Create of iRobot. In 2010, the first generation TurtleBot was released the same year as ROS. In the past 10 years, TurtleBot has become the ROS standard platform most used by developers and students. The latest TurtleBot4 will be released in 2022, which is the robot I saw on the home page of ROS official website (www.ros. org).


So since it is an officially recommended platform for learning ROS, it is certainly not wrong to buy it to learn ROS. So where to purchase. I found TurtleBot's official website www.turnebot According to www.jingtianrobots. com, there are six agents in the world, one in China, Jingtian. Click its icon to directly enter the home page of the company's official website (www.jingtianrobots. com).


The full name of this company is Wuhan Jingtian Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. (also known as Jingtian Robot/Jingtian Bot). Click the "Mall" in the upper right corner to directly enter the mall page and see the quotation of Turtlebot 4. There are two models of this robot, namely Turtlebot 4 standard version and Turtlebot 4 Lite version. At present, the standard version seems to be out of stock. I directly contacted customer service on the JD page to purchase a Turtlebot4 Lite.


The delivery speed is very fast. Now I have my first robot platform. I will update my progress in using Turtlebot4 Lite later.



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