The head of UR China and his team visited

At 10 o'clock in the morning of September 23, 2021, the head of Universal Robots China and his team led by the two leaders of Jingtian Electric to visit and communicate with Jingtian Electric's new special technology base.


The two leaders of Jingtian introduced the composition and positioning of the Xinte base to the UR team in detail, and displayed the integrated product Xuanwu No. 5 under commissioning.


Subsequently, the person in charge of Jingtian Electric also showed the UR team the recent work results of the technical team-UR robot training materials. Explain the teaching material framework and some corresponding highlights to the UR team. Everyone actively discussed the direction and content of the teaching materials, and the UR team also put forward many valuable suggestions from the perspective of their own products.

The UR team also introduced the latest situation of the e-series upgraded products: cooperation with new suppliers, their advantages and outstanding performance, related prices, etc. The UR team stated that once Jingtian's textbooks are well published, it will be the first publication of UR for the education industry in China and the key to open the door to the education field in China.

In the future, Jingtian Electric and Universal Robots will work together to write a new chapter in the application of collaborative robots in the education industry!

Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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