Our textbook is published

The "Humanoid Robot Training Course" edited by Professor-level senior engineer Chen Xiaoqiao of the School of Electronic Information of Wuhan University, Wuhan University Training Center Teacher Hu Mingyu, and Wuhan Jingtian Electric Co., Ltd. Chairman Liu Yushi has now been published and is available on JD.com. , Taobao, Tmall, Dangdang and other major e-commerce platforms have been put on sale.


This book mainly takes the NAO robot as an example, introduces the development history, theoretical basis and programming methods of humanoid robots, summarizes the practical teaching and competition training experience of humanoid robots, sorts out rich practical training cases, and aims to train students to analyze and solve complex problems Ability, practical ability, spatial perception ability, mathematical logic, imagination and creativity, etc.

Wuhan Jingtian Electric has always been committed to providing high-quality products and services for the education industry, and has in-depth research in robotics research and teaching. The company continues to polish itself, requiring not only to understand customer needs, but also to keep up with technological development. The successful publication of the teaching materials this time also shows that the company has achieved both technology and service. Jingtian Electric is full of confidence and enthusiasm for the construction of robots in colleges and universities in the future!

Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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