Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Husky Mobile Bomb Disposal Research
Customer name:Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Application type:Remote control
Project time:——
Application product:Husky, multi-lens camera, HDMS arm
Application type:Remote control
Project Overview:Julie Shah's research investigated the intervention of robots in handling deadly bombs. The team integrated Husky with RE2's highly flexible operating system and used settings to test its remote autonomous interface, which is critical to expanding the capabilities of operators in emergency situations. "Husky provided a cheap but powerful mobile base to prove its concept and technology," (Shaw). When dealing with improvised explosive devices, it can save a few seconds of time by solving the problem of communication quality between humans and robots.
Project results:

Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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