School of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University
Customer name:School of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University
Application type:Robot control/Robot navigation/SLAM
Project time:August 2020
Application product:Indoor and outdoor all-terrain unmanned vehicles Husky willow garage
Application type:Robot control, mobile robot navigation, SLAM
Project Overview:The School of Artificial Intelligence of Nankai University was established on May 11, 2018. It governs the country's earliest national 863 program intelligent robot theme open network laboratory and robot industrialization base. It has Tianjin Intelligent Robot Technology Key Laboratory and Tianjin Key Field Innovative team. In this project, the teacher needs an indoor and outdoor all-terrain mobile robot, and can quickly integrate sensors such as lidar and IMU for research in robot control, mobile robot navigation, SLAM and other directions. Jingtian's Willow Garage Husky can meet the above requirements.
Project results: I wish the School of Artificial Intelligence of Nankai University a good result in the underground city space exploration competition!

Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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