Teaching|The "2024 Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of

On 11 July 2024, the "2024 Huazhong University of Science and Technology University of Electrical Engineering - Jingtian Robotics Engineering Camp" was officially opened!
The Robotics Training Camp, which will last for 2 weeks, was held in the Experimental Teaching Centre of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), attracting dozens of undergraduates majoring in electrical engineering and other disciplines to take part in the camp!


At the beginning of the opening ceremony, Professor Wang Shuanghong of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology delivered a speech. Professor Wang introduced the topic from the development of robotics and pointed out the educational and practical significance of the camp. He believed that the experience of the training camp will help to cultivate students' engineering awareness and teamwork consciousness, which will bring a lot of help for students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions in the future, and at the same time, it will also enable students to come into contact with enterprises earlier, which will be more in line with the demand of enterprises for talents.


Before the official start of the training, Yang Li, head of the Robotics Engineering Training Camp from Wuhan Jingtian Electric Co., Ltd. introduced in detail the core technology products of Jingtian Robotics and the cutting-edge dynamics of the industry, and also elaborated in depth on the curriculum and practical requirements of the training camp, aiming to stimulate the innovative thinking and hands-on ability of the students through the in-depth integration of theory and practice.


In addition, Gao Mengze, the instructor of the Robotics Engineering Training Camp, explained in depth the robot equipment used in the camp: TurtleBot4 and the artificial intelligence experimental system: Jingtian Remote Cloud Operation Platform, guided the students to complete the installation of the basic robot operating system, demonstrated how to run the virtual simulation environment, control the hardware platform, and use SLAM mapping and navigation algorithms to carry out effective obstacle avoidance and path planning. Obstacle avoidance and path planning. On this basis, the students were encouraged to give full play to the spirit of innovation, and independently designed and implemented a series of creative scenarios (DEMO) to deepen their understanding and application of robotics technology.
The Robotics Engineering Camp has now officially kicked off, marking the beginning of a learning journey full of challenges and opportunities!


Cultivating talents is not only about piling up skills, but also about cultivating curiosity about the unknown world, courage in solving complex problems, and commitment to social responsibility. We hope that this camp will inspire the endless exploration and creativity of these dreamy and practical students of Huaxue to the unknown world.

Since its inception in 2019, the Jingtian Robotics Engineering Camp has been successfully held for five consecutive sessions, always adhering to the original intention of promoting the deep integration of science and technology education and innovation practice, and is committed to providing a high-quality platform for the majority of young students to explore cutting-edge science and technology and stimulate their innovative potential.



We are eagerly looking forward to joining hands with more colleges and universities to radiate the influence of the camp to a wider field, so that more students will have the opportunity to get in touch with the charm of robotics engineering, and at the same time contribute to promoting the development of global science and technology education.

Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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